Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Practicing what we preach!!

You know the old story about the cobbler's shoes? Or the dentist's teeth?

Both too busy to look after their own shoes/teeth - and here at Diligence we have a confession to make ...

Whilst we've been busy looking after our own clients and looking after their social media, Blogs and websites, we've kind of let our own business lag behind!

So, we've used our guilt and married it to our boundless enthusiasm and decided to get ourselves back on track. Our Blog now has some new content, we've updated our Twitter and Facebook accounts and we promise not to be such naughty boys again!

But why bother, you may ask.

Well we're doing it because it works. The latest website we've completed is for a new client we 'met' on Facebook; one of our clients spent 30 seconds on Facebook on Friday of last week and immediately earned £285.

One of our clients is now reporting that Twitter and Facebook combined are now the third largest source of new website visitors - and with an average 125 new visitors a day, that accounts for a substantial number of new prospects.

We also know that Blog posts as well as Twitter feeds and Facebook postings reward you with additional online content - and help raise your profile above your competitors.

So, don't do as we do, do as we say - and get Blogging, Tweeting and Facebooking.

We know it makes sense!