Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Data is King

E-marketing is a really effective way of reaching your customers – and it can also be the cheapest option for a targeted campaign.

Some of your targets may not like receiving unsolicited emails, so it is important that you structure your campaign properly – enabling those who wish to, to opt out of any future communications easily. If a data subject requests to be removed from your email list, you are legally obliged to do so to avoid contravening the Electronic Communications Act.

Whilst spam is illegal, you are allowed to send unsolicited emails to business email addresses on business matters only. If you want to promote consumer services you must buy an ‘opt-in’ list.

Renting or buying a list is not always the most effective way of communicating. Certainly you could expect a much better response by targeting those businesses with which you already have a relationship. That’s why it makes sense to ensure you always record your business contacts.

If you are nervous about managing your own email campaign there are a number of online services available to help you – alternatively why not talk to Diligence and let us manage your next email marketing campaign?

The Marketing Manager has many years experience of helping companies market their services - why not get in touch if you’d like to know more?

Contact us now at

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