Sunday, 21 June 2009

Brakes - A new look for good food..

The Brakes Group is the UK’s leading supplier to the catering industry. Their thorough understanding of caterers needs is underpinned by 50 years experience and a passion for innovation, quality and service.

The Brakes Group’s unbeatable offering is supported by services to assist customers including providing educational resources.

Diligence designed and produced a promotional CD Rom aimed at the schools and education sector to help caterers with healthy eating ideas as well as information on the services provided by Brakes.

The project has been so successful that Diligence has been asked to design additional titles in the series.

We have recently created a CD-Rom for a Brakes new premier brand “La Boulangerie” plus a training support CD-Rom for Larder essentials and Cheese.

This is being closely followed by training CD-Rom’s for Meat, Potatoes and a promotional CD-Rom for Healthcare.

What we do

  • CD Rom design and production
  • Marketing collateral

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